24 Retro Cartoon Photoshop Brushes
Retro Cartoons are always fun to look at. So we decided to come up with a set of retro cartoon Photoshop brushes composed of retro cartoon clip arts. Images in this set include cars and other stuffs from the 70s and 80s, drawing of men and women wearing retro clothes and hairstyle. These are just lovely and I am sure you will fall in love with them as well. Talk about a walk down memory lane. This is like a fast ride on memory highway!
About these retro cartoon Photoshop brushes
Each retro cartoon Photoshop brush has a resolution of 2500 pixels. There are a total of 24 retro cartoon Photoshop brushes in this volume. Like many of our Photoshop brushes, this set was also created in Adobe Photoshop CS3. Thus, you can install the .abr file in any CS version of Photoshop.
If you encounter problems downloading this file, which is in .zip format, please let me know. You may also try switching to Mozilla Firefox. It worked in the past whenever people (especially Mac users) who had problems downloading from this blog.
TERMS OF USE: As with our previous brush sets, these may be used also for personal, noncommercial purposes only. Also, please refrain from making them available for download outside of this site. If you want other people to know about these freebies, please refer them to this original post. Also, HOTLINKING to the archived file is not allowed.
Below, you will have a preview on how the retro cartoon Photoshop brushes would look like when installed in Photoshop:
Size: 4.11 MB
Type of file: .ZIP
NOTE: If you are using Mozilla Firefox, please right click on the button and select the “Save link as” option.