20 Free Curly Hearts Brushes for Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day should not be celebrated only on the 14th day of February. We should make every single day a celebration of love. So to help you celebrate this special day, we have come up with a new set of free curly hearts brushes that you can use in Photoshop.
These images are stamp brushes that you can use to create beautiful backgrounds for your Valentine’s Day greeting cards, post cards, gift tags for your gifts, and many more. You can make patterns using these brushes or make these curly hearts the center of your artwork. They are very easy to use. Simply choose the color that you want and stamp the brush that you prefer on your canvas in Photoshop.
This set contains a total of 20 high-resolution curly hearts brushes that are intended to be used as stamp brushes in Photoshop. Each brush has a resolution of around 2500 pixels, which make them large enough even for 300 DPI designs or those you wish to print later on. The file that you may download is an ABR Photoshop brush file contained in a ZIP file. If you want to use these images but do not have a Photoshop CS program, then just leave a comment and we will provide you with the link where you can get the image pack. Below is the preview of the brushes contained in this set and their sizes.
These curly hearts brushes are very detailed and are therefore great for high-resolution printed materials and also for web banners. You can use these brushes for creating posters, flyers and brochures.
Download the brush pack (download link above) and install it in your Photoshop program. These brushes were created in Adobe Photoshop CC so they are compatible with any CS+ version of the program. To use the brushes, just choose the color of your brush and stamp it on your canvass. The brushes come in very high-resolution so make sure to adjust the size of your brush before stamping.
TERMS OF USE: As with our previous brush sets, these curly hearts brushes are free for personal, noncommercial purposes only. Also, please refrain from making them available for download outside of this site. If you want other people to know about these freebies, please refer them to this original post. Also, HOTLINKING to the archived file is not allowed.
IMPORTANT! The download file is password-protected to prevent hotlinking and discourage people from violating terms of use of our brushes. We have been seeing our brushes being distributed by other sites without our permission. PASSWORD for these brushes is: “pfb”
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