20 High-Res Barbed Wire Photoshop Brushes
This a set of Photoshop brushes composed of barbed wire images that you can use for free in your designs. I cannot think of any particular use for this brush set at the moment but I am hoping that you could find some uses for these barbed wire Photoshop brushes. Let me know if you were able to find some practical uses for our barbed wire Photoshop brushes. We will be very happy to check them out as well. There are a total of 20 barbed wire Photoshop brushes in this set with resolution of each brush set at around 2500 pixels. This is the maximum resolution of brushes that you can make in Photoshop CS3. These barbed wire Photoshop brushes should work with any CS version of Photoshop.
TERMS OF USE: As usual, you may use our barbed wire Photoshop brushes for personal, noncommercial projects. However, please refrain from making the barbed wire Photoshop brushes available for download outside of this site. If you want other people to know about our barbed wire Photoshop brushes, please refer them to this original post.
Please leave a comment if you happen to like our barbed wire Photoshop brushes or if you find them useful. Your comments will be greatly appreciated.
IMPORTANT!!!: Please refrain from redistributing our barbed wire Photoshop brushes, (i.e., downloading this set and making it available for download somewhere else). Also, HOTLINKING to the archived file is not allowed. Please refer to this post if you want to spread the word.
Below, you will have a preview on how these barbed wire Photoshop brushes would look like when installed in Photoshop:
Size: 10.5 MB
Type of file: .rar